The Mikuska Group  

What’s your story?

If you are a volunteer or on the staff of a non-profit organization or a charity, you likely have personal reasons why you are involved in the particular cause. Learn to talk about those reasons and you’ll have the ability to tell others about your personal involvement story.

What’s powerful about your story? It’s emotional. And we know people are moved to action with their hearts. Instead of trying to sell someone on why your organization is great, you can tell them why you’re involved, and ask them to join you. It’s a much more comfortable place.

Christopher Davenport of, offers some questions to help you craft your story:

  1. When were you first aware of the organization?
  2. What one thing stood out to you at first?
  3. What was the impact the organization had in the community that made you want to give your time, talent and money?
  4. Why do you personally feel compelled to give?
  5. How did you first get involved (as a volunteer, donor, board member, staff member)?
  6. Is there a special person or reason you continue to support the organization?
  7. Why do you think it’s a worthy cause?

When you’re writing your story, remember it’s not really about you. It’s about donors who are the heroes who make it possible for your organization to have impact on individuals.

What’s your story?

Julie Mikuska.


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