The Mikuska Group  

Understanding development

One of our clients, Lori Stewart of the Centre for Christian Studies, recently reflected on her job as Development Coordinator in the most recent issue of Common Threads and the reactions she gets when she tells people what she does. Entitled “I Help People Fall in Love with CCS“,  she eloquently hit the nail on the head about what development is all about.

She explains that it’s not about asking for money, it’s about meeting amazing people and hearing stories that inspire her, move her and prompt her to act. Then she shares these stories with people she meets and if they are similarly inspired and moved, they support the work they do at CCS.

That is the essential and salient point of the work done by great fundraisers worldwide. It’s not about campaigns and budget lines. It’s not about you at all. It’s about creating great relationships based on inspiration.

Have you inspired anyone today?

Laura Mikuska



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