The Mikuska Group  

Protect yourself

How many of us have snuck across the border for a quick trip to the USA and not bothered to purchase travel insurance? Or decided it was “too expensive”, or you believe your credit card or work insurance covers you adequately?  I bet a lot of you fall into these categories. You’re taking a huge risk.

Many people pass on taking out travel insurance because they don’t think anything will happen to them while they’re away, or that they are “perfectly healthy” and so not at risk. The truth is, anything can happen at any time, and you need to have those risks covered.

Your provincial health insurance doesn’t even come close to covering the cost of a hospital stay in another country. Consider this – you could be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital fees if you fell off your golf cart and broke your leg. Or you were asked to leave your Mediterranean cruise because you were feeling faint and ended up in an Italian hospital having a pacemaker installed. (By the way, these scenarios actually happened to friends and family!)

Beyond the sheer cost of no insurance, you would probably be inundated with decisions about what to do in a foreign land, possibly without anyone around who speaks your language. Trying to navigate systems, making arrangements for travelling companions,  and covering the extra costs of accommodation, meals and travel home would also weigh heavily on you.

The right kind of travel insurance can cover all of these things, and provide 24/7 assistance prior to and during your trip. Fortunately, now that you are aware of the risks, you can purchase insurance anytime before you go. If you can afford that cruise, or quick trip to the US, you can afford to protect yourself.


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