The Mikuska Group  

Have a say in your legacy

You work hard for your entire life, accumulating wealth, family and other relationships. Why would you want the government to decide how your estate is distributed after you pass on?

That’s exactly what happens if you don’t have a valid will. In Manitoba, The Intestate Succession Act sets out how the property or estate of a person who dies without a will (intestate) must be distributed. So even if you intended to provide someone other than your spouse with some assets, they would not be entitled to any under the legislation.

Making a will is a deliberate act. It forces you to think about what you have, and how you distribute it. Brian Bowman, Partner at Pitblado Law, says “It’s important to make sure those left behind are as well looked-after as possible. Your legacy continues after you pass away, so think about how your children, business partners, family members and your favourite charities will benefit from having your wishes carried out.”

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, consider including leaving a bequest or other types of planned gift in your will to the charity or charities near and dear to you. Leave a Legacy is a national program that encourages people to leave a gift in their will. The website is full of useful information about how you can do this.

Call your lawyer and schedule time to make (or update) your will. Have your say in your legacy.

Laura Mikuska


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