The Mikuska Group  

Feasibility Study – why consultants are your best option

In a recent AFP Webinar, “The Feasibility Study…Start to Finish” Jill Pranger, ACFRE told participants that while some organizations are tempted to do the study in-house, the best option is to hire outside consultants to do it.

Hiring fundraising consultants will offer several advantages, including objectivity, no prior beliefs about your organization and more objective recommendations in the final report. She said that interview participants (both internal and external) are generally more open and frank in answering questions with a consultant than with a board or staff member. Once they are informed that their comments will not be attributed to them in the report, they feel free to offer constructive opinions. This results in a better study result.

Another reason to work with a fundraising consultant is to tap into their expertise in designing questions, doing the interviews and other research, and interpreting the results. The community at large will expect that you have done your background work before going into a campaign. Being able to demonstrate that an objective study has been done is a key component in showing that you’ve done this.

Laura Mikuska


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